
Small Scanner – Big Difference

Introducing the wireless Bluetooth CS4070 Companion Scanner from Motorola. This scanner empowers tablets, smart phones, laptops and other devices with enterprise-class scanning technology. The current challenge with most consumer devices is they can’t offer the highly accurate bar code scanning that most applications require. The best feature is the simplicity – connect  the CS4070 via Bluetooth to […]

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Calling Dick Tracy

The announcement of Android Wear and the imminent battle between Apple and Google to build a computer that people will actually wear, reminded me of DCT’s first experience with wearable computer technology.   In the summer of 2000, DCT was involved in a warehouse management project with Sony Electronics. The solution seamed right in our wheelhouse: we

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Back to the Future?

Last week’s announcement that Zebra Technologies had agreed to purchase the Motorola Solutions Enterprise Business was greeted by nearly everyone in the industry as a positive. Under Motorola’s leadership, the former “Symbol Technologies” business of scanners and handhelds had grown increasingly stale. Most surprising to industry old timers like myself, was market share gain in retail point

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What’s New in Scout: Software Enhancements for Route Sales

Route sales and DSD are perhaps the oldest “mobile computing” application in use since the 80’s. Way back when, DCT created its first “outside the four walls” system for Paris Brothers Distributing. It included a pocket PC made by Symbol and a custom-built cable that connected to a Sprint cell phone to enable order processing

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