Let’s get started with your Proof of Concept!

First things first, let us know a little about your business model so we know how to get started!

Modernization can be a game changer for an organization. But just what does that mean and how do you quantify the savings? At DCT, our standard methodology includes helping our clients with Proof-of-Concept (POC) planning and execution. 

Evaluating Application and hardware for suitability to use:

Having worked with wearable scanners for more than 20 years, DCT personnel have a long history understanding the benefits and challenges of wearable scanning. We can help identify applications with the most promising return on investment.

Develop Proposed Solution Elements:

The proof of concept should be executed as close to real word as possible. DCT can help identify and procure demonstration hardware from all leading manufacturers. In addition to hardware, our team can quickly develop low code/no code applications to allow testing to mimic desired future state workflows.

Execute The Proof-of-Concept:

Our proven project management methodology will help ensure that the POC does not lose momentum. By identifying key activities, establishing critical path, assigning roles, responsibilities and deadlines and then monitoring via daily or weekly standups, DCT keeps your POC on schedule.

Define success criteria including ROI requirement:

In order to justify change, there should be a provable return on investment. DCT analysts can help identify current costs and measure changes to productivity. Our team will then help identify the applications with the highest value.

Document Results:

DCT has pre-established templates that make documenting results fast and efficient while providing the data in ways that are clear and concise. During this process, DCT can assist in providing pricing on the entire bill of materials to implement the final solution. This provides management with real project costs to assist with justification.

A Proof-of-Concept gives you the opportunity to test the effectiveness of a proposed solution to determine whether it’s a good fit for you. Our experience has shown the time and physical labor saved by simple upgrades and improvements can have a real effect on your ROI. 

Reach out to us today and let’s take a look at what DCT can do for your profits. 

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