Video Gallery
Informational videos from our vendors and partners
SCOUT - Field Sales
ProGlove Case Study
ProGlove + Apple Watch Demo
Honeywell CW 45 Wearable Unboxed
Zebra HD 4000
Zebra Wearable
Zebra WS50
Unitech WD200
Velocity + Speakeasy
The content of our video gallery has been collected from our partners and most are available on youtube . We will continue to add to this archive, giving you quick and easy access to information that can help you in your research or decision making process. If there is technology or usability demonstrations you are interested in seeing, please reach out and we will do our best to get you the information you need as quickly as possible.
Test your advantage with a P.O.C.
Do you have an application you would like to test using hands-free technology? Let us provide a Proof of Concept Free of charge.
Hands-free technology can be a game changer for an organization. But just what does that mean and how do you quantify the savings? At DCT, our standard methodology includes helping our clients with Proof-of-Concept (POC) planning and execution.
Reach out to us today and let’s take a no-obligation look at what DCT can do for your profits.