Sonim XP6 and XP7 – Ultra Rugged Appeal

A Medical Center vigorously tested out Sonim devices (pictures below). Sonim Technologies is the provider of the world’s most rugged, water-submersible mobile phones designed specifically for workers in demanding and hazardous environments.

The team did some additional longevity testing on the XP6 and XP7 using Isopropyl Alcohol based product and another XP6 and XP7 using bleach-based product.  The products were applied on an hourly basis, left to dry, and then inspected – for a total of 50 trials for each product on each phone.  Each trial was observed for any noticeable cosmetic (e.g. fading) or functional issues (e.g. phone not working).

There were no failures observed.

  • For the decontamination, the process started with soaking in a bleach water solution (approx. 3:1 water:bleach, much more bleach than normal), scrubbed with standard nylon brush, soaked in water, soaked in MDF (Mitigation and Decontamination for chemical and biological warfare agents) for 15 minutes, scrubbed with nylon brush, soaked and rinsed in water

      MDF is an industry standard decon agent that kills pretty much any of the nasty bio agents you can think of (anthrax, influenza, e. coli, ebola) and chem agents (VX, cyanide).

  • The guys report they have seen MDF eat through rubber, paint, nitrile gloves, etc – they have not seen a device perform like the XP7 and are impressed with the build and material quality.


Sonim XP6 and XP7

(photo credit and testing details courtesy of AT&T)

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