Our Customers Love Zebra’s TC8000!

A few of our customers have recently made the upgrade to Zebra TC8000 and have only great things to say about it! Check out the video below of our our customers at Sharpline Converting, Inc. using the TC8000 for the first time.

Welcome to the next innovation in warehouse mobility – The TC8000.  Only from Zebra.

Less weight, more results. Traditional gun-style mobile computers can be heavy to use for long periods. The TC8000 overcomes this by using lightweight yet robust plastics with an aluminium bezel – which increase durability while reducing weight. As a result it’s 33% lighter and requires 15% less muscle effort to use, so reducing tiredness.

Helps users do more. With today’s gun-style mobile computers, users scan a barcode, tilt the screen to see if the scan was a success, enter data and repeat. This ‘tilt to view’ is a wasted action that costs time. Zebra removed it with the TC8000 as the screen faces the user at all times, when scanning – they simply pull the trigger to scan and view the data. Removing the tilt across every scan may appear to be a little time saving. But it results in big efficiencies and is one of the main reasons why, on average, the TC8000 can boost productivity by 14%.

Reliability. The TC8000 is rugged inside and out, built to handle multiple 8 ft./2.4 m drops to concrete, 2,000 consecutive tumbles, jetting water, dust, and extreme temperatures. Users also get the largest battery in this device class, offering triple-shift battery power and extensive battery metrics that make it easy to spot and retire aging batteries. Also, the advanced touch screen enables workers to interact with an application using a gloved or ungloved finger or stylus, complete with pinch-and-zoom and other multi-touch functions. The TC8000 is like adding an extra hour of productivity per worker to the work day.

Learn more about the TC8000 here!

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